Sunday, October 31, 2010

It Begins...

If I had it my way, I'd work in the food industry.  But the hours are long and I'm a big fan of the Monday - Friday, 9-5.  So, I work in Property Management instead.  Thankfully, this doesn't conflict with my love of food.  A few things you should know about me.  I don't cook very often.  I'm working professional in my late 20's living on my own.  When I cook, I'd prefer not to have leftovers that will feed me for the next 5 days.  I also am a slightly quirky eater when it comes to cooking.  I have a fear of under-cooking food, so when I do cook, it's done on high.  This, obviously, doesn't always present the most delicious feasts.  Many nights, I just pick something up from the local D'Angleo's or Taco Bell or  sub shop.  Should the mood strike for a home cooked meal, I head on to the next town over to my best friend's house.  Luckily, she takes pity on me and insists on stuffing me full of home cooked nomminess two to three nights a week.  Elastic wasted pants are highly recommended.  

I'm a bit of a quirky eater.  I don't keep peanut butter and jelly in the house.  I don't eat seafood.  I am not particularly fond of cooked fruit (which includes most pies), but I will eat most raw.  I don't like mushrooms or cooked carrots.  I eat chocolate, but not very often.  I like my eggs to be scrambled and brown.  I don't eat mayonnaise.  I don't like breaded chicken (including chicken parmesean or KFC).  I have only discovered how awesome olives are in the past year...only the black ones.  The green ones are okay in olive cream cheese, and I am still learning to like Kalamata ones.  I don't eat nuts except Cashews and Pistachios.  I'm sure more will come out as we go along.

By now, you must be asking yourself, "How can she write a food blog when she don't cook?"  The answer is simple.  I love to eat.  I love taking pictures of what I eat.  And I love talking about food.  Morning, noon, and night.  It seems natural for me to want to share my experiences with other foodies out there.  I want this blog to be a place where I can share food experiences, be it food from a restaurant, a home-cooked meal, or even a new food product I saw at the store.  There are no boundries when it comes to food.  I look forward to experiencing foods that are not bacon.  (More on bacon later.)  And in this process, hope to open my mind and mouth to new tastes that in the past, I may have turned down.